"In The Making of a Leader, Dr. Robert Clinton
identifies the patterns God uses to develop a leader"
(Amazon Review). I was first introduced to this book
at HST in a church leadership class. It led me to
reflect spiritually upon how God had brought special people
and events into my life to mold me into spiritual leader.
This was one of those life changing experiences for me
because it helped me glimpse that for which God might be
preparing me.
I was introduced to Craddock's preaching and writing at a time
of difficult transition in my ministry. I only knew
one style of preaching (often derided as "three points and a
poem"). Craddock introduced me to inductive preaching -- a
more aesthetic, listener oriented approach. This book
laid the foundation for the inductive/narrative preaching
movement and helped me to add some innovative tools to my
homiletic tool box. |
Here's another addition to my "Craddock Shrine."
Overhearing the Gospel "is a start at
understanding how indirect communication through the use of
art, story, analogy and metaphor can be far more meaningful
than explanations, especially when communicating the grace
and truth of God in Christ-that which WE cannot directly
communicate" (Greg Gorsuch, Amazon Review). |
The Modern Preacher and the Ancient Text is the
perfect corrective to keep homiletical aesthetic and
hermeneutical substance in balance. Greidanus' book
was most helpful to me when he applies his conclusions to
preaching the various genres of biblical literature.
This alone is worth the price of the book.
I have also found Thomas G. Long's Preaching the
Literary Forms of the Bible an invaluable tool for
preaching the various genres of biblical literature. I
learned to reproduce in the sermon - not only what the text
seeks to SAY, but what the text seeks to DO. |
As with Craddock and Long, I savor anything that Eugene Lowry
has written. The Homiletical Plot
started it for me with Lowry. He describes the sermon
in terms of a narrative plot (and even compares his method
to an episode of Quincy!). This book is incredible for
those who are seeking to learn more about (this style of)
narrative preaching |